Monday, August 26, 2002


The following is from a post I received recently:

"I don't know about you but I learned in my high school chemistry class in 1958 that the building blocks of ALL matter (including human bodies) are ATOMS. This was hardly new....even at the time. No one disputes this fact. Nor does anyone dispute that atoms are made of ENERGY (in the form of positive and negative electrical charges).

"Einstein further emphasized this point with his Theory of Relativity wherein he developed the famous formula....

"Energy = Mass times the speed of light squared

"In simple terms this means that physical matter (including the human body) is MADE OF ENERGY. Thus, even though the human body may appear to be solid, its foundation is made of energy.

"This simple fact is one of the most universally agreed upon findings in the scientific world. To my knowledge, not one scientist anywhere disagrees with it. It's acceptability ranks right up there with the laws of gravity.

"However, for reasons known only to the cosmos, the Western healing sciences have....

ignored it."

How short-sighted! Instead, they continue to regard the human body as a physical entity and thus walk right by its energy roots. They treat the body as a....

bag filled with body parts and chemicals."Thus their methods involve the repair and replacement of body parts (surgery) and the "correction" of body chemistry by other chemicals (drugs).

"Many useful things have come from this conventional approach so I'm not knocking it. In fact, I'm very glad it is around and I respect those diligent scientists and healing practitioners that have used this approach. If I had a burst appendix, for example, I would enthusiastically volunteer myself for the surgeon's table.

"However, for the Western healing sciences to ignore the well established fact that the body, at its core, is made of energy is like wearing glasses that only permit vision up to 10 feet. "

Those in the know, know that I am studying a form of energy medicine called biokinesionics. I think one of the reasons why western medicine and Christians have been so hesitant to embrace energy medicine is for several reasons. One reason is that no one ever found a network of copper wiring in the human body that could convey electrical energy. The other reason is because of the pantheistic baggage that is usually attached to the various forms of energy medicine.

How much validity is there to the idea that we have an energy system? Most people don't realize they already believe in its existence. We are all probably familiar with the use of the EKG or the EEG to measure heart rhythms and brain waves. What exactly are they measuring? The electrical activity of these organs. So how does the brain and the heart communicate? Undoubtedly through hormones and things of that nature. But why not through electrical energy?

"In recent years the technology has been developed that demonstrates that the Chinese were onto something when they devised their charts of the body's meridians. One unique system which makes use of the electrical information associated with the acupuncture meridians is the Motoyama AMI Machine. Utilizing electrodes which attach to the terminal acupoints of the twelve main meridians, the AMI Machine is able to compare the eletrical balance between the right and left sides of the body. The AMI computer analyzes electrical differences between the right and left meridians that supply energy to the same deep organ system. By comparing the dgree of electrical imbalance between the two meridians, the AMI Machine is able to provide detailed information about energetic imbalance in the physical body. Electrically unbalanced acupoints, as diagnosed by the AMI Machine, appear to reflect the presence of existing or impending disease in meridian associated organ systems." Pg. 204, Vibrational Medicine by Dr. Richard Gerber

More to come....

Those who wish to comment will have to content themselves with emailing me directly at as I don't know how to set up this blog for accepting comments. A dear gal has graciously offered to set up my blog properly for me so hang in there.

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