Thursday, September 11, 2003

The Payoffs of Diligence

One of the most aggravating aspects of child training is the sheer number of times one must call a child back to either complete a job they have started, or have them re-do a job that didn't get done correctly to the proper standard in the first place. I find it extremely trying at times to have to do this. Multiply this tendency with children times 11 and it makes for a lot of aggravation!

There are pay offs for the children in the end, however. I was working in the kitchen the other day and thinking of my three eldest children. My oldest daughter is now 21 and just before her 20th birthday, she was made manager of the shoe store she works at. My second daughter is married, has a two year old, owns her own car and home, and is now a supervisor on her shifts at work (done in the evening so that she is with my dear granddaughter all day) at the ripe old age of 19. My oldest son just turned 17 and he shares the responsibility of finishing off some products with one other man in his division at his workplace. It looks like all that training in diligence is going to stand them in good stead in life.

Last night my eldest girl called and told me some of her experiences in managing the shoe store. Sounds like she is learning quickly. She related how she can tell almost from the beginning what kind of employees she is dealing with based on their work habits. Those who slack off and want breaks in the beginning never change. They continue to slack off and want breaks and never improve. She has learned to cut her losses with these people quickly and let them go asap instead of investing what turns out to be wasted time in them. Man, I wish I knew that much when I was her age!

I relate this information as a source of encouragement to myself and to other parents who get weary with the day in day out aspects of child training. We do reap a reward if we don't faint or become weary in well doing.

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