Thursday, November 27, 2003

"Cheryl Defined"
From a friend in an email sent to me today:

"Cheryl... very colourful and interesting lady...

She makes her own herb capsules...
she's trim, neat, smart and spruce (at least some of the time )...
she sometimes falls asleep at the computer or during family worship...
she likes groovin' music...
she uses EFT on herself and others...
she wants to get a zapper...
and she thinks she has a pretty good road map for figuring out life's perplexities.

Hmmm... you could define her as a dapper capper, mapper, napper, rapper, tapper and zapper.

Just be glad I didn't include "flapper" in that definition... "flapper - a young girl considered bold and unconventional in actions and dress." Unconventional, yes, but bold?..."

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