The Kangaroos Continue to Hop
Last night word came that the boys in the RPNA (GM) "court" have spared no labor in excommunicating five more people for daring to question them. In their usual fashion, they have chosen to emphasize form and structure over substance and content. This benefits them greatly as it allows them to avoid all difficult questions and the accountability that come with it. I think it is quite telling that they are showing a decided reluctance to put anything down in writing when dealing with some of these brethren. After all, if you only say it and it isn't recorded anywhere, it is easy to say that someone has lied or misrepresented you and then it is their word against yours. However, if you have to commit your words to paper, well, your words can then be passed around and inspected, and maybe even come back to bite you.
This brings the total of people excommunicated in the last few months to 30. When you count the children in these homes, the number is closer to 90 something. We can congratulate the "court" on their efficiency in dealing so summarily with so many in so short a time!
As if the elders put nothing in writing! Your misrepresentation amazes me.
Wow. Takes a lot of courage to post a comment anonymously! At least I put my opinion out there for the world to see, with my name on it.
And while the elders have published some things and written some things, I also know that they have outright refused to answer others in writing. Not to mention some of the promised position papers and restructuring that have never materialized -- not even with a rationale for why they have not been written, and oh yeah -- not informing anyone of when and where the new "court" was constituted....
so... who got the ax this week?
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