Thursday, February 05, 2004

Homeschool Guru?

I generally only attend maybe one homeschool mother's support group a year. I just have too many other things to do most of the time, so this particular meeting gets cut. When I do show up, I am usually in the uncomfortable position of being the mother with the most children, including adult children, and also the homeschooler with the most experience.

Because of the above, the automatic assumption on the parts of many is that I am some kind of expert in child rearing/discipline and education. At one time, I would have agreed -- when I was much younger and had fewer kids and had just started homeschooling. The hubris and arrogance of young adults is a sight to behold. And the less kids and experience you have, the worse it seems to be.

I just want everyone to know now, I no longer have hard and fast rules about child raising beyond trying to get as much Scripture into their heads as fast as possible and that Dr. Dobson's advice on teens applies to homeschooling as well: Do what works and just get them through it.

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