Friday, July 23, 2004

Miscellaneous Musings

What I am listening to:  Something Beautiful  by Great Big Sea.

Musing #1.
We live in a blessed time.  In years past if you wanted to listen to music, you either had to make it yourself or find someone to make it for you.  Now we can have all the music we want, and precisely what we want at any time of the day or night with the flip of a switch.  I especially like CD's because I can easily switch back and forth between songs without difficulty.  I often drive my kids crazy because I will listen to the same piece over and over again in order to absorb all that I like about it.    I also drive them crazy because I love to sing along with favorite songs, especially harmony.  Too bad I sound like a crow with tonsillitis.  Even so, singing with favorites gives me a lift every time.

Great Big Sea does a lot of traditional Newfoundland/Celtic music.  But I confess that I tend to like the stuff they write better.  Their newest CD is truly skookum.

Musing #2.
Nothing is as scary as a toddler with a black permanent marker.  I am afraid to go out to the kitchen/living room to see what artistry has been performed there.  Perhaps I shall go straight up the stairs to bed when I leave this place.

Musing #3.
Teens are frustrating.  If you come down hard on them for just reasons, they squawk like nobody's business.  If you act in a reasonable fashion, they run over the top of you.  I hope they all have a dozen just like them to give them pepper in their sunset years.

Musing #4.
As a young person I used to think that young love was the best love in the world.  The love of middle aged people was ridiculous to my youthful eyes.  Now I know that things can only get better as you grow older, especially if you can work through stuff.  Makes me think that the best is yet to come, even as I fall into physical decay.



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