Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Babyholics Anonymous

It started with just one little baby. I thought I could handle it. Then that wasn't enough anymore, so I had another, then another, and things just spiraled out of control.

To help others with this addiction, I've decided to start the first North American chapter of Babyholics Anonymous. Here is an outline of our 12-Step Program:

1. First admit that you are a babyholic...you can't live without the smell of those little downy heads and the feeling you get when gazing at those perfectly-formed, tiny toes.

2. Acknowledge a Power greater than yourself...the Almighty, three-in-one God, who created heaven and earth, and without Whose will not a hair can fall from our heads.

3. Realize that your life belongs to this sovereign God, and that apart from Him you can do nothing.

4. Take a realistic look at yourself and know that without salvation through Jesus Christ, you are dead in your trespasses and sins.

5. Confess to God and to yourself your lack of trust in His promises when you are tempted to refuse His blessings of children.

6. Be willing to accept God's blessings.

7. Ask God to bless you and be prepared to receive those blessings.

8. Make a list of reasons why you would refuse to receive those blessings, compare it to the reasons people "choose" to get abortions, and repent of your selfishness and lack of faith.

9. Hug the children you already have, and, if necessary, repent before them of your wrong attitude about children.

10. Constantly evaluate your attitudes, and remind yourself that you are here to glorify God and lay up treasure in heaven.

11. Pray daily for God's strength and wisdom.

12. Raise your children to glorify God, discipline them diligently and train them to continue this vision someday in their own families so that your godly seed will have a great impact on the world.

"The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing. But in our culture
we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this
picture."–Doug Phillips

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