Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Canada Day

Today is Canada's national civic "holy day" when all Canadians are supposed to show their national pride in their country.

I find little to celebrate in a nation that is more and more rapidly degenerating before my very eyes. In our misguided zeal for toleration, we have learned to tolerate depravity on a scale unprecedented in this country. Yesterday I read that American sodomites are flocking to Toronto to take advantage of our newly approved marriages of same-sex couples.

Abortion is rampant.

Divorce and common-law marriage rates rise each year.

Perversion is openly taught and promoted to young people in our schools even while grades in basic disciplines like math and english continue to drop.

Evangelical Christians comprise less than 6% of our population according to polls in recent years. Standards are so lax in the Church that Christianity is more of a country club with really nice versions of heathens rather than a Church militant that is shaking hell's gates.

Oh, Canada.

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