Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Old Friends

One of the pleasures of Heaven will be fellowshipping with old friends there. I had a wonderful time visiting with "Mother" Grace, a wonderful woman who serves as my Titus 2 model of godly womanhood. I also had a lovely visit with my friend Iris and her family. And then there was a nice chat by phone with my friend Loretta. Last, but not least, was my conversation with Bob. Bob was responsible for rescuing me from Arminian darkness and introducing me to Calvinistic light. Now, when I have the time, we are going to engage in some discussions on eschatology. I have had the feeling in the past year that this was one area in which I wasn't going to be allowed to rest. God seems to be bringing people my way that are intent on discussing this. So, now that I have settled the question of the regulative principle of worship, headcoverings, paedobaptism, exclusive psalmody and covenanting, I guess it is time to delve headlong into eschatology.

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