Thursday, November 21, 2002


I finished my annual "Christmass -- Bah Humbug" post ala RPW stuff on one of my lists. I am also getting the now typical response of, "Have you read Steve Schlissel's article on the topic?" Yes I have. Several times. And remained unconvinced that Rev. Schlissel has stumbled upon a new, improved one over what the Westminster Divines believed. I have reached the point with most lists I am on of just letting stuff like this go by. But since I happen to own this particular list, I feel somewhat obligated not to let the pervading Christmass spirit go unchallenged in the name of truth. And that sounds rather pretentious I am sure.

I get tired of the dissension. Tired of the schism and lack of like-mindedness that can quickly degenerates to small-mindedness and sniping. I am a postmillenialist and that means that I believe the time will come when God's glory will fill the earth and all nations will serve the Lord. But I am absolutely sure that when it happens, it will be a sovereign act of God that causes such unity. This period of disharmony in the Church is, I think, God allowing us to try and argue, compromise, tolerate, and debate our way into unity with the dismal results we see. In the end, the glory will all be the Lord's when it happens.

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