Tuesday, January 14, 2003


How in the world do people manage to have nothing to do and be bored? At any given time I have about 20 or more different things I could choose from to be doing. For instance, right now I could be cleaning up my kitchen and putting away my groceries and starting supper. I could also be working on a quilt block for a newly married friend. Then there is the study and research for my paper on Energy Therapy that I am writing. Oh, and the attic library needs sorting out and organizing, my office needs painting, clothes need to be rotated due to changes in the size of children and then there are all the theology books I own and haven't read yet.

What I need is a couple of clones of myself and some parallel universes to run them in a concurrent fashion with the ability to enjoy what each one of me is doing. I am finding that this life is just too short to cram in all the things I would like to do. Like....

I really like doing housework when it is all that I have to concentrate on. Folding laundry and placing things in a neat orderly pile is very satisfying to me. I even organize the clothing in how I hang it out on the line on warm summer days. There is also something very satisfying about restoring order to a messy room and getting things back in place or making my faucets shine like a mirror. [But why is entropy so easy to achieve? Hours of work can be demolished in minutes by a rambunctious toddler!] What drives me really crazy is doing housework AND having to homeschool at the same time in order to fit everything in.

Homeschooling would be very enjoyable if that is all I had to do. Although I would rather stick pins in my eyes than teach small children to read, doing the other stuff, even rote learning of the times tables, can be a gratifying experience if I am able to just concentrate on that. But I can't do just that.

I have some artistic tendencies that don't often get satisfied due to a lack of time. I would like to express those tendencies in sewing and decorating, doing calligraphy, drawing, painting, and practicing the piano. No time!

Studies, research and writing of health, nutrition, and various forms of healing for my clinic work is another passion. It must be tucked in around the cooking/cleaning/laundry/homeschooling/family worship/grocery shopping/appointments/kid activities/and husband tending. Not enough time!

Then there are all my friends I would like to spend time with. I know so many fascinating and interesting people who have various facets to their lives that enriches my own when we connect. Alas, not the amount of time I would like to give to them either. And my family is growing with the promise of more growth in the future when more children marry and more grandchildren are born so there will be even less time for friends, although I think the friendship of my adult children and the companionship and antics of my grandchildren will compensate for this.

There are so many books to read to the children and so many things to teach and discuss with them. Where do I get the time?

I am glad I am "just a housewife" and don't lead a dull life.

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