Friday, June 18, 2004

The Beginning of the End?

It appears that I am now starting to shift gears physically. My body has started to do the strange things that are associated with the pre-menopausal stage. This likely means no more babies for me. Of course, it is still quite possible that a baby could happen, but the prospect just doesn't excite me the way it used to.

Of course, as a person with quiverfull convictions, I believe that God is the One who opens and shuts the womb. God is the author and finisher of all life. If another baby comes, I will welcome the baby and enjoy him/her. But I have lost the baby lust of former years and I guess that is ok. After all, there is a time for everything and it would be silly and unsanctified to practice discontentment when you knew that more babies would not be in your future.

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