Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Summer Time Reading

It is summer! Rejoice!

Despite the hectic pace that life has assumed recently in preparation for the wedding, I have been taking time here and there (like during the morning bath ritual) to do some light reading. I know I ought to be reading The Body Electric and other scientific books on on body's ability to produce and use electricity in preparation for my advanced kinesionics course. But alas, the summer sun calls me to play, so play I do.

I have been re-reading Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey mystery novels. (One of the advantages of creeping age, memory loss and senility is that you can read the same novels over and over and enjoy them as though you were reading them for the first time.) I love Dorothy Sayers' novels because they are intelligently written. And even if I don't get every literary and classical allusion she makes, I at least recognize when she is making it.

When I first started reading the Bertie and Jeeves books by P.G. Wodehouse, I had this feeling that I had met Bertie and his man somewhere before. It wasn't til later that I realized that Bertie and Jeeves were the comedic version of Wimsey and Bunter.

So, whenever I have the chance, I am going to kick back and enjoy a spot of mystery this summer. What is everyone else reading for fun?

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